Thursday, April 27, 2017

Intro Comp 4-27-17

Students will Screenshot all three graphs created in the Car Cruising part of Quest 7 Document.
Then upload the pictures to a Google document titled accordingly.
Also, answer the questions below.

  • What is the most popular color of car in the lot?
  • Which is the most frequent birthday month? What are the top three models of cars in the lot?
  • Which type of graph best represents each of the sets of data?
  • Why did you choose or reject each type of graph?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

World Hist/Geo 4-12-17

Complete and Turn in at the End of the Hour.

Intro Comp 4-10 Thru 413

There will be  No Quests for this week.

Please submit your Weebly links via email no later than Thursday April 13th.

Make sure that all quests and assignments from Things 7, 9,10, 11, and 12  are reflected in the Weebly site.
Please review the Blog posts if you are not sure which quests to submit from each Thing. 

All make sure the Photo Peach presentation from Thing 10 and The Prezi from Thing 11 are reflected as separate pages in the Weebly site.