Tuesday, January 31, 2017

World History/Geo 2-1-17


Go to the site and look under the articles tab for "African Holocaust"
After reading the article do a google search on the "Jewish Holocaust".

Explain the differences and similarities based on your search. 
 Read the excerpt below before you begin the assignment.

What does the word "Maafa" mean?

Give a complete Analysis of the two different Holocausts.

After reading the Link below, explain how this can be similar to the current Ban on Muslim citizens, and non citizens coming into the United States.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Advanced Computers I 2016-2017 Final Exam Project

Advanced Computers I                  Final Exam Project           2016-2017
Students will take the individual Challenges they have been working on in Intro Programing Drawing and Animation from the Khan Academy site, and take Screen shots of the Individual projects that have been completed. The assignments will be displayed on their Weebly Websites created at the beginning of the Semester. The challenges can be uploaded as cropped screen shots on individual pages.

Assignments /Projects
1.       Wavy Snowman
2.       Coloring with Code
3.       What’s for Dinner
4.       Buck Tooth Bunny
5.       Funky Frog
6.       Exploding Suns
7.       Parting Clouds
8.       Brown Beer Eyes
9.       My Favorite Fools
10.   Moles in Holes
11.   Bouncing Ball

12.   Number Analyzer

World History/Geo 1-18-17

Answer the questions to the Link below.


Final Exam Project Intro to Comp

Mr. Wade Rm. 609

Intro Comp    I           Final Exam Project  2016-2017

Exam Schedule
Wednesday 1st and 4th
Thursday    2nd and 5th
Friday         3rd and 6th

Student’s first semester assignments will be reflected in a portfolio.  All assignments will be uploaded to their individual Weebly Website. All students are responsible for having uploaded the following completed Things and Quests from the 21 Things for Students site.

All Things should be clearly labeled as individual pages, with links on each page that take you to the individual Quests. (Assignments) The Project is worth 100 points. If you have been constantly updating your Weebly site in the correct way over the past semester, then you should already have the points needed.

The websites will be graded based on completed assignments, creativity of the pages, and following the basic directions of uploading the Things and Quests to the Weebly site.


1.      Thing 1 Basics 2,3,6,8 ( copy and paste the complete assignments via shortened ( Google Docs Link)
2.      Thing 8 Trouble Shooting Quests 1-4
3.      Thing 2 Visual Learning Quests 1-4
4.      Thing 3 Cloud Initiation Quests 1-4
5.      Thing 4 Collaboration Quests 1-6
6.      Thing 5 Digital Footprint Quests 1-3
7.      Thing 6 Cyber Safety Quests 1-8

All pages must have individual background graphics for each Thing with links or buttons that will direct a viewer to the completed Quests.

Points will be taken off if not uploaded properly!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

World Hist/Geo 1-10-17

1/10/17 (The Americas Before 1500)

Scaffolding Question 1: List any Native American Indian Tribe that you have heard of before?
Scaffolding Question 2: Which geography  Culture Region would be most challenging and which Culture Region would have the most advantages to live in and why?
Scaffolding Question 3:  According to the map, which tribes may have lived here in Metro Detroit for hundreds or even thousands of years before the French arrived in Detroit around 300 years ago?
Scaffolding Question 4:  How did they survive in the Eastern Woodlands without heat, electricity, running water, supermarkets? (Etc) What did they eat?  What did they do for housing? How did they stay warm? What did they do for fun or for worship?  (Culture)

Native American Culture Map:

  1. Pick one tribe of the Native-North Americans to investigate from each of the Culture Regions you selected.

  1. Find the tribe of Native-North American that you selected and click on it.

After reading the brief introduction scroll down and you will find 4 areas for each tribe.
  1. Language
  2. Culture and History
  3. Fact Sheet
  4. Legends

Activity: For 2 of the above areas research information about the tribe that makes it unique, or that you found interesting.  Find information on the same two areas for all 3 tribes you selected.  This will prepare you for the brief project tomorrow.



               TRIBE 3:

Monday, January 9, 2017

Intro Comp 1-9-17

Watch the video an answer the questions for Quest 7


Begin Creating and Online Poster on Anti-Cyber Bullying.

Complete the parts relating to Quest 8, and use the activities from steps 1-5 to create your Online Poster.

Select one of the following topics covered in Cyber Safety and create a project that shows other students:

  • The themes of Cyber Safety
  • How to stop or prevent Cyberbullying
  • Netiquette

Thursday, January 5, 2017

World Hist/Geo 1-4-17 thru 1-6-17

Resources for Ancient America's before 1500 Study Guide and Map Activity


Pages 19-21 in the Text book


Mesoamerica Civilization Map

Native American Culture/Region Map

Native American Culture Map

Olmecs Americas First Known Civilization

Mayan, Inca and the Aztec Civilizations

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1-4-17 Intro Comp

Students will begin Quests 4-6 of Thing 6 Cyber Safety
Quest 4

 Part 1

Screen shot verification of the completed quiz on Quest 4 part 1 and paste the picture to a page in google docs.

Quiz Link

Part 2. Using a word processing program Google Docs, list at least five online tips to help you stay cyber safe.

Quest 5 Click on Link and complete the following


Answer all questions in all parts of the quests.create a separate page in Google docs reflecting this quest.

Mall Security
Book Cafe
Network Security

Quest 6
Click on Link below to get started
