Thursday, March 12, 2020

US HISTORY Monday 3-16-20 Thru Monday Friday April 3rd

All classes complete assignments in Google Docs. They will also email all assignments upon completing them to
Monday March 16th -Use the Reading resource to do a T-4, make a copy and use the highlight feature for your t-4 verification. Use above on how to share it with me

Tuesday March 17th 

Apply 5 of the US History command terms to the reading. Use them in a sentence and answer the sentence pertaining to the resource

Wednesday March 18th
Template for reading
Follow the Directions on the template. Use the reading resource as a reference.

Thursday March 19th

You make the read activity

Friday March 20th

Create a digital poster board of the flags of the countries involved in World War II
google " countries of Wold War II" and place a picture of their flag on the poster board as well as the side they fought with (AXIS or ALLIED powers) You will have to use the google browser of your chrome book

Monday March 23rd
Apply these command terms to each of these questions. Instead of using What, When, Why, use Describe, Explain, Identify, and Analyze where appropriate
Complete questions 1-5

Article link


Tuesday March 24th 
Apply these command terms to each of these questions. Instead of using What, When, Why, use Describe, Explain, Identify, and Analyze where appropriate
Complete questions 6-10

Wednesday March 25th

Students will watch Part 1 of Tora Tora Tora documentary 50 minutes

Write one page reflection on impact of Japan attacking Pearl Harbor
Thursday March 26th,

Students will  watch Part 2 44:00 minutes
Write a one page reflection on US dropping atomic bomb and its impact on Japan

Friday March 27th thru Monday March 30th

Please use these directions for the assignments 
The Subtitles are A, B, and C of the Reading: Was America justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan?

Link for Card-sort Options

Cut out the terms/phrases below and organize them from general to specific.  
Use the article and what you already know to organize the information.  
Once you feel good about your work, transfer your answers to the template I have prepared
for you.

Tuesday March 31st thru Thursday April 2nd

Use the link below along with the study guide to create 15 question and answer statements using the History Command terms. Use all 8 highlighted terms. Students will create 5 statements on Tuesday March 31st, 5 on Wednesday April 1st, and 5 on Thursday April 2nd. This will make a total of 15.

Command Terms

World War II study Guide Link

Friday April 3rd

Were these Americas best years? You Decide.

Take notes on the link and be prepared to take a position on whether or not these were Americas best years.

All classes complete assignments in Google Docs. They will also email all assignments upon completing them to

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