Monday, December 14, 2015

World History 12-15-15

World Hist/Geo

3rd Hour

Students should complete section 3 review of chapter 2. IDENTIFY, DEFINE, CAUSE AND EFFECT.

Students should complete missing assignments given to them yesterday.

Intro Comp 12-15-15


Intro Comp/Advanced Comp 1st and  2nd Hour

Log onto 21things4students, and complete Section 2 of Quest 1 in Thing 7. Be sure to answer the questions in the Document that was created on Monday's assignment.

Digital Media 12-15-15

Friday, December 11, 2015

World History 12-11-15

Save in Google Docs


1. For  SYRIA   – give the following information:
  1. capital
  2. location/the countries that share its borders
  3. the religious breakdown of the population
  4. the type of government
  5. the chief of state (and head of government if different) If monarch or dictator, since what date has he/she ruled? – include name of heir apparent for monarch
  6. the population
Find the answers at the CIA World FactBook website.  NOTE: If WorldFactBook appears outdated for any country, use Wikipedia.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Early Release 12-10-15

Intro Comp 12-10-15

Students can work on the assignment and save the answers to their Google Docs. This is worth a Test Grade.

World History 12-10-15

Students should complete assignment from yesterday

Digital Media 12-10-15

Go to link and complete assignment

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Digital Media 12-9-15

Students can work on the assignment and save the answers to their Google Docs. This is worth a Test Grade.

World History 12-9-15

Section 1 Review

 Identify, Define,  Finding the Main Idea pg. 50

Section 2 Review

Define, Identify, Writing and Critical Thinking pg.55

Intro Comp 12-9-15

Wednesday     12-9-15

Typing Lesson #15 5 minutes

Writing Prompt

Some people think that Christmas is all about buying gifts and spending money.

What are some ways that you can save money and what are some handmade gifts that you can make people this year?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Intro Comp Week of 11-30

Intro Comp   Week of 11-30

Thing 6 quest 1-3
Create a slide presentation of the 9 themes of Digital Citizenship.
Use visual representations of each in your presentation.  In addition to Google Images, there are some copyright free sites listed at the end of Quest 2.