Tuesday, April 30, 2019

US History 4-30-19

War on the Home Front Article
Link to Article

Students will work in groups while using the above link answer questions form the article.

Friday, April 26, 2019

US HIstory 6th Hour 4-26-19

Students will begin the activity and turn it end at the end of the hour whether you are finished or not. Please be sure to put your name on your papers.

The Subtitles are A, B, and C of the Reading: Was America justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan?

Link for Card-sort Options

Cut out the terms/phrases below and organize them from general to specific.  Use the article and what you already know to organize the information.  Once you feel good about your work, transfer your answers to the template I have prepared for you.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

US HIstory 4-25-19

Read the link, and then begin the Map Activity 7.2


Students can follow this link and complete the map activity. If you are not in class today, you will not receive the hard copies to this assignment. You must print them!
Map Activity Link


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Leadership 4-24-19

Students will be giving praise to a student that the teacher selects in front of the class.
We will be working on skills relating to posture while speaking, eye contact, tone, etc

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Leadership 4-23-19

List and describe ways that effective leadership can be used to help students make better decisions  the following areas. Please record your response in paragraph form.

1. Bullying
2. Social Media

Monday, April 22, 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

US History 4-16-19

Square Deal Activity
Module #4 ERA 7 cont. - Introduction

The Introduction will give you the background information necessary to gain a deeper understanding of the topics introduced in this module.  It is your responsibility to watch the video content and complete a few tasks, including the Square Deal Activity.  I would also hope that it might even motivate you to do some research outside of what is presented in the introduction and/or class.

Square Deal Activity:  The Square Deal Activity gives you choices to demonstrate your knowledge in a variety of ways.  Open the Square Deal Activity document in a new tab or take a peek at the handout that was given to you in class.  Choose three squares and complete the task/s described in your choices. It is best watch the video content prior to completing the Square Deal Activity.

Video Content: For this module, we will view content using educanon.   As you view the video content, eduCanon will prompt you to answer several questions.  The directions for using eduCanon are below:

The eduCanon program allows me to focus on key concepts in educational videos.  As you view an educational video, it will pause and ask you a question. If you have registered using the correct class code, your score will be automatically registered in my gradebook.  Here is how you can get started,

Start by Signing Up for an account

