Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11-29-16 World Geo/History

Complete the Map of Ancient African civilizations
using the questions provided below. Maps have also been provided. Follow the instructions for developing the map, and the Key.

Map of Early African Kingdoms

Locate the following:

Sahara Desert
Senegal River
Zambezi River
Indian Ocean
Atlas Mountains
Congo RIver
Mediterranean Sea
Kalahari Desert
Nile River
Orange River
Pacific Ocean

Use different patterns to shade in Kingdoms for Mali, Songhai, Ghana, and Kush. Use dots to show Trade routes, and solid color lines to show borders.

Have the following cities located: Carthage, Tripoli, Mombasa, Fez, Meroe, Axum, Benin, Zimbabwe, Timbuktu, Ife

Create a Key labeling all components of the Map.

Be able to Discuss Why did three powerful kingdoms grow up in roughly the same area in West Africa?

How did their geographic location affect the growth of important city-states in eastern Africa?

Intro Computer 11-29-16


Begin reading the information under Thing 1 Quest 1 part 1 Cyber safety.
After reading parts 2 and 3, begin to create a list of " Digital Bill of Rights"

The rights should include these categories:


Each slide should have pictures and written language that explains the connection to the Bill of Rights and Parts 1, 2, and 3 of Quest 1.

Part 1 Nine themes of Citizenship
Part 2 Rules of Netiquette
Part 3 Cyber Safety

Monday, November 28, 2016

11-28-16 Intro Comp

Students will complete the practice worksheet with analogies. Due at the end of the hour

Monday, November 21, 2016

11-21-16 Intro Comp

Begin Quests 2 and 3 of Thing 5 Digital Footprint. Follow instructions and create a page in your Weebly site that reflects all of your work in Thing 5. You do not have to complete quests 4 and 5.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Intro Comp/World Hist Geo 11-17-16


Read the entire article above, and then create a claim using the paragraph below as a basis for creating an argument about whether or not business have an obligation to be politically transparent.

 Grub Hub CEO Matt Maloney sent this email to his employees

"I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump and will work to shield our community from this movement as best as I can. As we all try to understand what this vote means to us, I want to affirm to anyone on our team that is scared or feels personally exposed, that I and everyone else here at Grub-hub will fight for your dignity and your right to make a better life for yourself and your family here in the United States. If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here."

Glennon: “A boycott against GrubHub [was] organized which is on Twitter’s trending list at #boycottgrubhub. Upon regaining composure after reading the email today, I tried to short the stock. Too late. It had already dropped by over 4%—$120 million of shareholder value already incinerated.” The stock has since recovered some of the lost ground, but it is satisfying to watch the market deliver a well-deserved punishment.

Explain if you think that businesses have an obligation to the public they serve to be transparent about their true political stance or should they be politically correct in order to remain profitable. 

CEC Template


Give two examples of how hateful politics, and anti-immigrant language could hurt businesses?

DOK 2.

 Why would the CEO of a business take such a strong stance in his statement asking for employees to resign if they disagreed with the statement. Is that politically correct, Why or Why not? 

 DOK 3.

 According the the article, how did the stock market respond to the CEO of Grub-Hub?

DOK 4. 

Did the CEO expose his own personal political stance by denouncing support for Trumps views and language? Why or Why not?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

11-16-16 Intro Comp

Use the following Link to guide you in using Google Sheets for the assignment in Part 2 of Quest 1

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

World History/Geo 11-15-16

Marco Polo
Sun Tzu
Genghis Khan
Kublai Khan

Choose One of the above figures whose History is Important to China and or the Silk Road.
You will create a presentation about this person that explains why they are an important figure.Be sure to include at Least 6 Important facts about the individual, and the time period in which they lived. The presentation also must include pictures and at least one Map out lining the time period.

You can use Google Slides, Prezi, an Info graph and TES templates.Take time to view the options before beginning the Presentation.

11-15-17 Intro Comp

Complete Quest 1 parts 1 and 2 of Thing 5 Digital Footprint.

Monday, November 14, 2016

World History 11-14-16


Use the above link and the link below to answer the questions on the Map Activity.


Map Research Questions

Intro Comp 11-14-16

Students will Begin Thing 5 Quest 1 Part 1. Watch the tutorial and view the links associated with Quest 1.

After viewing the above Links, follow the link below, and complete the tasks for parts 4-7 of Quest 1.


Watch the additional video below.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016

11-7-16 World History/Geo


Use the above link to complete the assignment:

Open the link below, and add to your Google Docs:
Complete assignment in google docs.

Silk Road

11-7-16 World History/Geo


Use the above link to complete the assignment:

Open the link below, and add to your Google Docs:
Complete assignment in google docs.

Silk Road

After completing this chart, rank the 3 most interesting people that you studied. Be able to explain why you chose the three you selected.

11-7-16 Intro Comp

Please make sure all work is complete and submitted by Wednesday November 9th.

The following should be in your Weebly site with the quests represented

Thing 8 Quests 1-4

Thing 2 Quests 2(Trouble shooting mind map)  and 3 (QR Code)

Thing 3 Cloud Initiation Quests 1-4

Thing 4 Collaboration Quests 1-6

Weebly Site ( all pages should have a background page representing each quest, as well an introduction page that has a picture and brief biography.)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

11-3-16 World Geography History

Use the links to answer questions on the Study Guide

Silk Road Study Questions Part 1

1 .What is the Physical geography of China? Place, Region?
2. How far did the Silk Road stretch, and How many countries did it extend through?
3. What were the peak years of the Silk Road?
4. What were the main items traded along the route?
5. What main religion is said to have spread as a result of the “Theme of Movement” within the route of the Silk road.
6. What hemisphere did the Silk Road lie in?
7. What is considered to be the legacy of the Silk Road?
8. What were the threats to the travel rout, and whom did they come from?
9. How was the route unique to trade and political routes?

10. How did the route connect the east to the west? What were the outcomes of that relationship?




Also view the short video by John Greene on the silk road by clicking on the link below.


11-3-16 Intro Comp

Complete Quests 6 and 7 of Thing 4 Collaboration
Go to the 21thngs site and watch the tutorials associated with the quests

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

11-2-16 Intro Comp/ World Hist-Geo

Read the article and answer questions relating to the article.



1. What is the Colonial pipeline? Be specific.
2. What occurred on Monday to disrupt flow from the pipeline?
3. What effect will this disruption have on customers who rely on it for fuel?
4. What is Colonial doing to minimize the disruption?
5. Describe the first accident with the Colonial pipeline that occurred in September.
6. Who will benefit from this second incident with Colonial in Alabama?
7. What does this statement below ? ‘It exposes the flaws of a just-in-time inventory system for a lifeblood product,’ Mr. Kloza said.”

After answering the questions, Complete the CEC Below.

 The reality is that fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are what give us electricity to power our air conditioners, computers, smart phones, video games, washing machines, clothes dryers, plus give us heat, running water and hot water. Those believe that the use of fossil fuels is causing a looming catastrophe – global warming – insist the use of these fuels must be drastically diminished with the goal of eliminating their use. 
Topic: Should the federal government place restrictions  on the use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) in order to preserve them for the future and to preserve the constant flow of energy. How would this affect you and your family's life?

Claim: Write a statement that makes answers a question, suggests a theory, or opinion about the topic

Evidence: Evidence should be relevant and should be enough to convince or prove to an audience that the claim has merit:  Use words like For example, For Instance, According to the text, or The Data shows…

Connect: Explain your reasoning, Analyze or Justify, Does your connection relate to a rule, Why does this matter?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

11-1-16 World History/Geo

https://www.studentnewsdaily.com/world-current-events/news-from-brazil-italy-and-australia/Student Daily News


1. For each of the 3 countries, give the following information: 
  1. capital
  2. location/the countries that share its borders
  3. the religious breakdown of the population
  4. the type of government
  5. the chief of state (and head of government if different) If monarch or dictator, since what date has he/she ruled? – include name of heir apparent for monarch
  6. the population

11-1-16 Intro Comp

1. Lesson 7 typing site
2. Now that you have completed Quests 1-4, Share the folder with two of your classmates, and allow them to comment on the share.