Read the article and answer questions relating to the article.
1. What is the Colonial pipeline? Be specific.
2. What occurred on Monday to disrupt flow from the pipeline?
3. What effect will this disruption have on customers who rely on it for fuel?
4. What is Colonial doing to minimize the disruption?
5. Describe the first accident with the Colonial pipeline that occurred in September.
6. Who will benefit from this second incident with Colonial in Alabama?
7. What does this statement below ? ‘It exposes the flaws of a just-in-time inventory system for a lifeblood product,’ Mr. Kloza said.”
After answering the questions, Complete the CEC Below.
The reality is that fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are what give us electricity to power our air conditioners, computers, smart phones, video games, washing machines, clothes dryers, plus give us heat, running water and hot water. Those believe that the use of fossil fuels is causing a looming catastrophe – global warming – insist the use of these fuels must be drastically diminished with the goal of eliminating their use.
Topic: Should the federal government place restrictions on the use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) in order to preserve them for the future and to preserve the constant flow of energy. How would this affect you and your family's life?
Write a statement that makes answers a question, suggests a theory,
or opinion about the topic
Evidence: Evidence
should be relevant and should be enough to convince or prove to an audience that
the claim has merit: Use words like
For example, For Instance, According to the text, or The Data shows…
Explain your reasoning, Analyze or Justify, Does your connection
relate to a rule, Why does this matter?