Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11-29-16 World Geo/History

Complete the Map of Ancient African civilizations
using the questions provided below. Maps have also been provided. Follow the instructions for developing the map, and the Key.

Map of Early African Kingdoms

Locate the following:

Sahara Desert
Senegal River
Zambezi River
Indian Ocean
Atlas Mountains
Congo RIver
Mediterranean Sea
Kalahari Desert
Nile River
Orange River
Pacific Ocean

Use different patterns to shade in Kingdoms for Mali, Songhai, Ghana, and Kush. Use dots to show Trade routes, and solid color lines to show borders.

Have the following cities located: Carthage, Tripoli, Mombasa, Fez, Meroe, Axum, Benin, Zimbabwe, Timbuktu, Ife

Create a Key labeling all components of the Map.

Be able to Discuss Why did three powerful kingdoms grow up in roughly the same area in West Africa?

How did their geographic location affect the growth of important city-states in eastern Africa?

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