Thursday, December 1, 2016

12-1-16 World History/Geo

Watch the Links and be able to discuss the questions on the Handout.

Natural Resources of Africa

What resources were located in the regions of the Ancient West African Empires?
What resources were located in the Ancient Kingdoms of Axum and Kush?
Why did three powerful kingdoms flourish in the same region of West Africa?
How did the Important Kingdoms of East Africa benefit from their Geographic location?

Physical Geography

What were the physical characteristics of Africa that made it hard for explorer to navigate through region and explore.  Be specific and detailed.

Economy and Education

Why are the poor countries not able to utilize the resources of their own countries?
Explain why a "Land Locked " country has a hard time building an economy.

Colonialism and Imperialism

How did Colonialism of Africa lead to the nations being economically disadvantaged?

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