Wednesday, September 25, 2019

US History 9-25-19

Using the notes from the link posted on Monday, students will use the LINK template to create a Study guide for :

In the first square in the Answer Template (List), list everything that comes to mind about the topic of colonization and settlement.  Give yourself only a few minutes. If nothing comes to mind, please make some scholarly guesses to show that you tried.  You are only penalized if nothing is recorded in the box or you have listed something that is way too far fetched.

In the second square (Inquire), write three questions you need answered to gain a better understanding of the topic (colonization & settlement).  You will be given a few minutes to ask me or a peer your question(s).

The third square pertains to notes.  please read the three sections mentioned below in your notes pertaining to the three topics.
Pre Columbian Native American
Leif Ericcson/Eric the Red
Age of Exploration

Use the fourth box (Know), to write a three sentence paragraph that shows what you know about the topic.  Please use your own words rather than copy a few lines from the article.   

The activity is now complete!!!  If you can think, you can LINK, and that don’t stink.  Good work.    

On a sheet of paper, make four boxes that resemble the link  below.

Pre Columbian Native American
Leif Ericcson/Eric the Red
Age of Exploration

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