Monday, October 21, 2019

US History 10-21-19

Make up Monday
Today you can make up all missing work and Binder assignments.
Check with the teacher if you don't know what these are.
Binder Assignments

2. Era 2 Colonization and Settlement
See the October 1st Post

3. Era 3 Revolution and New Nation

October 17th post


ERA 4 - Expansion & Reform - Anticipatory Guide

The Anticipatory Guide activity emphasizes literacy while learning about course content. 
It asks students to use a proven technique to improve literacy, a prediction.
It also builds fluency and vocabulary.  I have also prepared a video demonstrating how to do this activity.  The article might be different in the tutorial, but it will show you how the activity is done.  

To start, respond to the questions/prompts
I will read each question/prompt twice and you only need to respond by circling “Agree” or “Disagree” on the answer template.  Remember, if you do not know, make a good educated guess and place your answer next to 1st Response.

To finish the activity, I will re-examine the same questions/prompts so you can see them again.
  This time you will have the article
Now you will need to find something in the article that proves your answer to be right or wrong.
  Once you have found some evidence, check your 1st response.
If you catch an error before I do, it does not count against you. 
Respond “Agree” or “Disagree” next to 2nd Response and then circle either JAC
(if there was a change) or SFO (support first opinion) if you were correct the first time.
  To end the process, write one sentence that uses something you read that proves your
answer is correct. Example:  In paragraph one, I read that the antebellum years
describes a period in history prior to the Civil War.  
 Respond to each question/prompt to complete the assignment.

Follow the Link to get to the article: 

Expansion and Reform

ERA 4 - Expansion & Reform - Anticipatory Guide Questions/Prompts

Directions:  Respond to these prompts with an “agree” or “disagree”.

A.  The time before the Civil War is referred to as Antebellum years.

B.  The Market Revolution focused on the growth of agriculture.  

C.  In the time prior to the Civil War, America was becoming more urban because less people were living on farms.

D.  As America expanded west during this period in history, the biggest questions facing our country was whether or not new territories would become “free” or “slave” states.

E.  The events in the Antebellum years would eventually lead to the Civil War.

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