Sunday, April 26, 2020

US HISTORY Week of 4-27-20 thru May 8th

Students will use the link to complete the assignments for Tuesday the April  28th and Thursday April 30th.

You must read the full article and watch video the clips that go with the article.
It will take you Tuesday and Thursday this week to read and watch the videos in the article.
Next week Tuesday and Thursday, you should answer the questions using the history command terms, and email them to me in google docs to my address.

1. Explain what the term containment as it related to the Cold War.
2. Identify the countries that were a threat to the United states during the Cold War.
3. Describe what was considered the "Reagan Doctrine"and why it was it linked to containing communism.
4. Compare and Contrast the Vietnam conflict with the War in the Afghanistan. Find two similarities and two differences.

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