Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Leadership 3-26-19

Identify two leaders, one at the state level, and one at the national level, that have conservative and liberal beliefs. Examine whether those beliefs match your personal position. Explain how they do and how they do not.


Affirmative Action

Death Penalty

Education – vouchers & charter schools

Liberals believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Leadership 3-25-19

All projects are due today by end of day!

US HIstory 3-25 thru 3-27

We are beginning the unit that describes events from 1920 thru World War II. The time line covers 1920-1945 Below is the link that will take to to information about this period. Today's assignment is to view the segment called the "Roaring Twenties"
Students will click on the link below.


Students will click on the above link.

Watch the "Roaring Twenties" video, and answer the questions that come with the lesson. Read from  Roaring Twenties link posted below the video which comes from the History channel.

Watch "The Great Depression" video, and read from the link that comes with the video from the History Channel. Write questions and answers. Points off for not following directions.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Leadership 3-20-19

Leadership Project

Using 5 examples  of History’s greatest military leaders/monarchs and create a slideshow that explains the time period in which the lived, why they were significant, and what impact they had on society during their rule, Include anything that points to their leadership style. There must be 2 slides per person.


General George Patton
Alexander the Great
President Franklin Roosevelt
Genghis Khan
President Barack Obama
Hannibal of Carthage

President Donald Trump

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Leadership 3-19-19

Using the current event Template and at least three sources, Find three articles using our Current president Donald Trump as the topic.

Monday, March 18, 2019

US History Classes

In place of a written Test, you will complete a project to be worked on in class and due on Friday March 22nd

Rubric for  Google Slide presentation project on “The US becoming a World Power”

There must be a total of 12 slides (two per topic) Each slide should include pictures supporting each topic and a detailed description of how the United States was involved in each topic. Be sure to include a timeline of events in each slide.  
The following topics must be included in the presentation: Teacher will pass back all assignments and notes from the quarter to help with research

Growth of US Global power 1890-1914

Spanish American War
Roosevelt and Latin America
Panama Canal
Philippine War  /Mexican Revolution
US Imperialism
US entering World War I

Friday, March 15, 2019

All Classes 3-15-19

This assignment can be used for 50 points of missing work or extra credit if completed and turned in today. It will not be accepted after today. You must write the questions and the answers in order to get the full points.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Boys and Girls Track Practice 3-13-19

Warm up dills for ALL athletes.  
Athletes participating in individual field events will have specific warm ups relating to that event.

Take a look at the individual efforts by the runners in the olympics and look a the team effort in the relays

Explosive Starts with Husain Bolt!


Proper form running beginning steps


Hurdle Events


Track Events
200 meter Dash Runners


400 meter Dash runners


800 meter run

1600 meter run

4x100 meter relay



4x200 meter relay



4x400 meter relay



4x800 meter Relay


Long Jump


Shot Put








Leadership 3-13-19

After watching the video, explain which leadership trait he demonstrates or which one he does not demonstrate.

Explain who was the better leader, the dog or the Human, and why do you think?


.Image result for leadership traits


Monday, March 11, 2019

US HIstory 3-11-19

Identifying cause and effect relationships within a story helps students focus on two important elements of comprehension: what happens in the story and why it happened. ... Be sure that students understand that a cause is an action or event the makes something else (the effect

In this scenario, the alarm had the effect of you waking up at a certain time. This is what we mean by cause and effect. A cause-effect relationship is a relationship in which one event (the cause) makes another event happen (the effect). One cause can have several effects.

Below is a link that leads to an activity focusing on the cause and effect relationships of World War I Read the article and use the template to identify the Cause and Effect relationships within the article.




Wednesday, March 6, 2019

3-6-19 Leadeship

With the sheet provided, Choose up to 5 current event articles that show 5 different local, national or world leaders. Please make sure that the correct sources for the sites are usd. At the end of your research, choose one article that you want to expand on using page 2 of the handout.

Monday, March 4, 2019

3-4-19 US History

6.2.2 World War I - You Make the Read Activity

You Make the Read

Directions:  You Make the Read is a quick activity that emphasizes literacy while learning about course content.  As students read a passage/article, they will write “yes” or “no” questions that focus upon the most important parts of the article.  Take a minute to open the article by following this link.  Read the title and first paragraph, then check out my example.  

Example:  Is this a correct statement?  At no other time in American History did our country experience such a large population growth due to immigration.  No

Please notice, I have answered my question too!  You will make eight questions to complete this this part of the activity.  Do not forget to answer your questions.

After your questions are complete, you need to read them to another student (parent or sibling will work if you are absent).  This will get you ready for the last part, the quiz.

To complete the activity, I will read you eight questions that I have made concerning the article.  You will be able to use your questions to help you answer my questions; however, the article will be collected.  Your score will be based on the number of questions you wrote and the number of my questions you answered correctly.